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Heavenly Father Personally Gathers His Children

  • Страна | Nepal
  • Дата | 01 мая 2006
First of all, I want to give thanks to heavenly Father and Mother for encouraging me to do the gospel work although I am lacking in many areas.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my wit-nesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Ac 1:8). Every time I read this verse, I am filled with emotion, and I feel so blessed and jubilant to be the witness of the Christ in the Holy Spirit age.

When I visited Korea, heavenly Mother told me that the one who gathers all the children is heavenly Father. I was deeply moved by Mother’s words; Her words became engraved on my heart. Mother’s words became my motivation to overcome any difficulties.

When I first came to Damak to preach the word of God, it felt like it was a barren wasteland and I became anxious about the people’s faith. Then suddenly I remembered heavenly Mother’s word that I am not the one who does the gospel work but it is our heavenly Father who gathers His children. I truly believe these words, so I became encouraged once more and started to eagerly deliver the message of the gospel with all my heart.

Amazingly, people started to listen to the gospel and came to God. One of the brothers, whose faith was still weak, started to change step by step after keeping the Passover. Now he has become a gospel worker who eagerly preaches the gospel. At one point, he and I preached the good news 35km away from Damak; from that mission, heavenly Father led some brothers and sisters to the truth.

Those new brothers and sisters, who just recently accepted the truth, go out preaching even though they are financially badly off because they are farmers. There are also some brothers and sisters who live 50km away, where there are no buses or transportation available; therefore, they walk 12 hours to Zion to keep God’s feast. I give all thanks to Elohim God who has changed the hearts of the children so beautifully.

ⓒ 2006 WATV
There are so many people in Nepal who have not yet heard about Christianity. Even those who have heard about Christianity have a negative viewpoint about it. They believe that Christianity is only for those who are oppressed. However, our Elohim God bestowed upon our brothers and sisters wisdom and knowledge, so they changed their negative thoughts to positive ones and began to preach the gospel.

Nepal’s second biggest city, Biratnagar, shows significant signs of the gospel work. Traditional Christians in Nepal do not easily accept the truth, but surprisingly, one person from a Christian family that goes back four generations received the truth; her name is Manju Das. Although she is well over fifty years old, she eagerly preaches the gospel. Wherever she goes, she never loses the opportunity to deliver the word of God; even when she was an inpatient in the hospital, she continued to preach. When I look at her, I can truly feel her earnest desire to lead many lost souls to the way of salvation, and it deeply touches me. Her parents live in India, so she is preparing to go overseas on a gospel mission with the mindset, ‘Let’s go preach the gospel to India.’

Even though Damak Zion in Nepal is smaller than other Zions, our enthusiasm is no less than the others. I believe we can establish a Zion in Shikim, which is located in the northeastern area of India, because we already have brothers and sisters there. In Shikim, there are three families and one brother who received God and have become gospel workers. They do their best to spread the gospel to the central part of Shikim in the hope of establishing a Zion there. Elohim God has poured down many blessings upon the brothers and sisters, so they may bear many fruits.

Not too long ago, a family who used to hinder one of the brothers in Zion, finally accepted God when they realized the new covenant. We preached the truth boldly to that family when we first met. As it is written in the Bible, “For the word of God is living and active.

Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Heb 4:12). God smashed their hardened mind and blessed them to realize the new covenant. On the evening of April 2, 2006, all the family members received the great blessing of accepting the true God; even though they studied for a long time, they didn’t realize that much time passed by. One family member, who is our brother’s sister, made a firm resolution to preach the new covenant to whomever she knows; this became a fragrance of Zion.

Also recently, Brother Lal received the truth, and he tries to preach the gospel to India. Not only is Brother Lal preaching the truth, even his brothers are preparing to do the gospel mission work in India. There are also other Zion members in Nepal who are making preparations to spread the gospel to India by earnestly praying to God and preaching diligently.

ⓒ 2006 WATV
Brothers and sisters in Nepal have many difficulties trying to keep the Feasts of God because of geographic distances and financial limitations; however, God has inspired the hearts of the family members with the Holy Spirit through the word of God, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father’s glory that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (Jn 15:5-8).

Through these words of God, Zion members have realized the importance of preaching, and they are spreading the word of God earnestly, saying, “We want to walk the way of the gospel.” This is why they now bear a lot of fruits. Also, Mother’s special mission, ‘Each One Saves One Soul,’ the Holy Spirit Movement, moved the hearts of many young brothers and sisters and inspired them to be gospel workers.

When God led us to Damak, there were not many brothers and sisters who kept service together, but now, God has multiplied the number and many family members keep the service. Since the number has multiplied, our Zion is too small for us now. We pray to God for a bigger Zion.

Damak Zion’s only thought, goal and hope are to look for the brothers and sisters who haven’t been found yet, to please our heavenly Parents and fulfill the heavenly gospel work quickly.

Nowadays, Nepal is in a very tense atmosphere due to the domestic warfare. However, our brothers and sisters’ fervor for the gospel is hotter than ever before.

Heavenly Father and Mother, thank You and we love You!
Please prepare more spiritual soldiers for the gospel in India! Please establish Zions in Shikim and Biratnagar, so that our brothers and sisters can be blessed to have worship services together!
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